Teacher Resources
Computational Thinking
- Data Practices Definitions – This is a resource that explains the five data practices based on Weintrop et al.’s framework (Creating, Collecting, Manipulating, Visualizing, and Analyzing) with examples.
- Computational Data Practices Worksheet – This is a resource that teachers can use to see how the data practices in their lessons overlap with computational thinking practices. Use this with the Computational Data Practices Planning Guide.
- Computational Data Practices Planning Guide – This is a resource that teachers can use to help explain to students how computational thinking is used during data practices.
- Crosswalk of Data Practices with Computational Thinking Practices – This is a resource that teachers can use to better understand how computational thinking and data practices intersect or integrate.
Self-Regulated Learning
- Strategies and Tactics for Data Practices - This is a resource that provides questions that helps teachers plan for student tactics for each intersecting data practice and computational thinking practice.