CSE Squared - College of Education and Human Development - George Mason University

Metacognitive Prompting Interventions

Erin Peters-Burton

Metacognitive Promoting Intervention – Science (MPI-S) is a strategy for teaching students about the nature of science and is derived from Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) theory


Metacognitive Promoting Intervention – Science (MPI-S) is a strategy for teaching students about the nature of science and is derived from Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) theory (Peters, 2009; Peters & Kitsantas, 2010). MPI-S enacts SRL because it prompts students to set goals, assists students in monitoring progress toward goals, and asks students to reflect on their success in reaching those goals. This teaching strategy works well for inquiry lessons because it engages students with the processes and approaches to thinking of science. MPI-S is a suite of curricular tools, made up of a suite of checklists and questions that can be incorporated into established lesson plans to support student SRL strategies. The implementation of MPI-S consists of four steps. The steps of MPI-S are the same ones as the coaching strategy founded by Zimmerman (2000) and have identical names as Zimmerman’s strategy. Although MPI-S has been used to develop NOS views in students, the metacognitive prompts can also be used for learning about other science components such as content knowledge and practices in science.

Erin Peters-Burton of George Mason University
Anastasia Kitsantas of George Mason University